The Benefits and drawbacks of Asian Woman

When many people think of Asian women, they envision one of several caricatures: docile and subservient (” China Doll” ), sensual or erotic (” The Geisha” ), and manipulative and untrustworthy (” Dragon Lady” ). Each stereotype reinforces a harmful understanding of Asian American females, contributing to the bias, oppression and invisibility they experience […]

Customs of marriage in Asia

From India to Indonesia, China to Japan, Asia has a wealth of wonderful cultures, religions and beliefs. Ok we examine some of the more significant ones that have survived the test of time with regards to weddings and wedding. A Mehndi Festival A Mehndi Festival is an important pre-wedding ritual that takes place in[…..]

Indicators You’re Meant to be Up

It could be a mark that the multiverse wanted you to be with someone if you’ve ever had an overly best network with them. Being able to communicate openly and honestly and feeling like you can be your accurate soul around them are two items that can help you decide whether this is the event.[…..]